
Set Panic By Default

By default, when a user trying to unwrap a wrapped function, unwrapit will throw an error no matter in a browser or in Node.js. However, you may want the Node program to exit when an error occurs.

One way is that you can use the {panic: true} option

(await wrap(Promise.reject('error'))).unwrap({panic: true})

If you want the program to exit by default, then can set the panic by default

import {defineWrapConfig} from 'unwrapit'

defineWrapConfig({panic: true})

Customize Panic Function

Sometimes, you may want to have a central place to handle all the errors, you can set your do this simply by providing your own panic function which conforms to the below signature.

(message: any, opt?: {cause?: any; shouldExit?: boolean; exitCode?: number}) => never

Here's an example

import {defineWrapConfig} from 'unwrapit'

class MyError extends Error {}

function myPanic(message: any): never {
  throw new MyError(message)

defineWrapConfig({panicFn: myPanic})

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